How to Become an Effective Copywriter?

How many times have you been staring at your computer for a long time not knowing how to start writing? You keep thinking how to engage with your intended audience, to connect. But nothing comes out..tic toc…nothing! NADA!I’ve been there many times! Actually, that exact thing happened to me as I was starting to write this blog.

What Do Copywriters Do? - It is More Than Just Writing

What did I do? I took a pause (like if there was a lot I was doing before), and then I thought it was the perfect moment to put in practice what I learned from a LinkedIn Online course our instructor Raymond Bilodeau asked us to watch for our Social Media Marketing class, called Learning to Write Marketing Copy by Ian Lurie.

And you know what?.. It’s working! You see, Lurie teaches the basic rules to write in a simple, clear and appealing format, less complicated, and I am happy to share those insights with you so you can reduced the time you stared at your computer! Interested? Let’s start!

How To Become A Copywriter (with No Experience)

Marketing Copywriting

Copywriting is a written and visual creativity strategy use to capture and maintain the target’s market attention persuading them to a call for action. It is the first connection between a customer and the brand determining the relationship they will have. (Lurie, 2014). It is an art that needs preparation and planning in advanced.

Writing Copy

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You should get ready with a computer, a laptop, pencil, paper, notes, and most importantly an active brain in a place that you are sure there won’t be any interruptions where your focus and concentration will be at full capacity.

Just as I mentioned to you early, the next step is to start writing even if you don’t know how to begin, let the ideas flow without worrying about grammar, spelling or formatting. Maintain the inspiration. Just remember that an awesome script will come from the process! After a period, take a pause to refresh and review what you have written.

Ian emphasizes that a marketing copy should be:

  • Clear.
  • No cliche to avoid confusion.
  • Use an active voice.
  • Avoid phrases or two words where one will work.
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Have someone else proofread your piece and allow for editing if necessary. The idea is to have a clear, creative and well perform copy. (Lurie, 2014)

When writing take in consideration headlines, because they are the introduction of the content and grab attention. They should be clear and easy to interpret. A great hint Lurie gives is to create a few headlines and have your customers give you their insights without undermining your own instincts of course to choose the correct one.

As Lurie points out, the purpose of Copywriting is to sell while keeping the audience engage and interest in the content; entertaining, with value to customers (Lurie, 2014).

Other strategies you should follow are:

  • Include short-bulleted lists.
  • Use a great style.
  • Never be afraid to ask your audience to keep reading until the end.
  • Simple with no more than 13 words.
  • 5 to 6 lines per paragraph.
  • Use bullets or lists avoiding commas or semicolons.
  • Incorporate images.
  • Address the audience directly using you and me.
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Have in mind that there are two types of structuring:

  • Print
  • Online

Both structures are unique and you must make a careful planning on both, especially on print, because once a copy has been printed there can’t be any editing. Don’t forget to include images, a clear, simple layout with a call for action.

Rewriting Existing Copy

Children Reading Book, Education, School, Kids PNG and Vector with ...

How should you handle someone else’s copies? Ian clarifies that revising a colleague’s work does not mean rewriting it. Why? Because you don’t have full knowledge of the content, you have other assignments lacking enough time, and most importantly, your colleague hasn’t given you the consent. (Lurie, 2014)

Read the copy, understand the basic context. Focus on active voices, plague words, look for any structural problems, proofreading for misspellings or minor errors. While in the task, have the author and the environment he is trying to portray in mind. This will make your proofreading easier.

Regardless if the Copywriting is for a webpage, a product description or for Social Media, look for an active voice in a clear, simple language.

Managing a Team

If you have a team of writers you already have a major advantage, but knowing how to manage that team is relevant as Ian states. Organizing, teaching and taking care of a staff is healthy for everybody. What can you do to make things better?

  • Respect each member’s schedules and workloads.
  • Assigned each writer with a preferred project.
  • Have writers take their vacations.
  • Have a list of freelancers that can be contacted for a given situation.
  • Reward in public and correct in private.
  • Have an editorial calendar.
  • Manage Brand Voice creating personas so that all writers can have a better understanding of the brand when writing.

Each team member must feel secure even when mistakes arouse with clients and other team members.


Copywriting is the art of written communication with the purpose of grabbing the attention of the intended audience, making them not only to engage with the copy, but to identify the brand and act.

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It requires discipline with a continuous learning from experts. Ian is a good example of someone to follow to improve in this career. He also suggests some books to read for this purpose. I will list a few:

For your next writing assignment remember the simple steps Ian recommends for improving with less agony. The idea is to break the clutter. Make your writing appealing to create attention and focus. Don’t use complicated words, or long phrases. Maintain a simple, clear format with a logic message easy to interpret. Use images and don’t be afraid to interact with your audience. Proofread and edit.

And most importantly create a work environment where everybody feels motivated to write. Concentrate, relax, don’t feel intimidated and write. Keep writing, because once you start, the ideas will multiply and you will end with an amazing piece of writing. Think as if you are chatting with a friend.

What do you say…are you ready to start? Comencemos!

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Lurie, I. (2014, May 30). Learning to Write Marketing Copy. LinkeIn Learning. Retrieved from:

Published by Tania Chavarria

Change the world by being yourself.

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