
“Let’s get out of this town, drive out of the city, away from the crowds.”- Taylor Swift

Should we Visit Copán this time?

After visiting Roatán and Cayos Cochinos, and still in Honduras, I thought it would be nice to take a trip to Copán and get immersed in time.  You see, Copan is a beautiful small-town rich in history and culture. It is famous for its Mayan Ruins, but it is also a great place to relax,…

How about going to Cayos Cochinos?

Covid-19 is still here. We are still social distancing and taking all the precautions needed to be safe, and travelling is impossible. And as I look out of my window, with the roads and houses covered with snow, and remembering that this last week we had a brutally cold week with temperatures below 40℃. I…

Why Spanish is an Important Language to Learn in Canada?

Did you know that Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world, with over 460 million native speakers (Lane, 2020), and that it is the official language in Spain, Central America, South America (excluding Brazil), Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the Dominican Republic? As a result, Spanish is recognized as one of the top…

How to Create Effective Content Marketing

I started writing for the Social Media Marketing course a few weeks ago as part of the requirements to succeed in my program, and now I’m coming to the last post for the class. Our instructor gave us the choice on picking from a list of topics to extend on. I decided to watch the…

How to be Productive and NOT Waste your Time with Social Media?

No matter how many times you come up with new ideas or messages to talk to your target market on social media…if you are not analyzing your data, I have bad news for you; probably you’re wasting your time and money.That’s exactly what Carlos Gil points out in his course, Social Media Marketing: ROI. (Gil,…

Do not give up!

Hello my friends, By now you all know I’m a marketing student. And I must tell you that it has been very challenging going back to school and trying to catch up…and don’t get me starting with all the new things you must learn in a digital world! Talking about the digital era, it seems,…

Practice what you learned!

“Show me and I will forget, teach me and I will remember, Involve me and I will learn.” – Benjamin Franklin. After watching and writing a blog about Advertising on Facebook , our Social Media Marketing instructor Raymond, suggested we should actually create an ad using what we have learned from the online course .…

Do you want to learn how to advertise on Facebook…successfully?

We all have a Facebook account and connect with friends and family..but how about using Facebook to advertise?…like a pro! Interested? There is a course online at LinkedIn Learning that teaches the basic things to know about advertising on Facebook and I can’t wait to share it with you! Advertising on Facebook” is a course…

How to create an effective LinkedIn profile?

Do you have skills and competitive advantages you want others to know about? You want to connect with professionals and companies you have an interest on? In this era of high competition and technology, LinkedIn is undoubtedly one of the best platforms where you can promote yourself. Fortunately, there is an online course that can…

How to Become an Effective Copywriter?

How many times have you been staring at your computer for a long time not knowing how to start writing? You keep thinking how to engage with your intended audience, to connect. But nothing comes out..tic toc…nothing! NADA!I’ve been there many times! Actually, that exact thing happened to me as I was starting to write…

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